Thursday, May 14, 2020

Primary Concern in Packaging Policy and the Environment by Levy Free Essay Example, 2250 words

As emphasized by the author/editor of this book, Levy focuses on discussing the topic of Packaging extending from the broad and extensive policies, rules, and guidelines of Packaging in different countries all over the world. Furthermore, relative and similar concepts regarding packaging like Recycling, Reusing and Recovering, Disposing and Packaging wastes are also illuminated and explained in the book. Last but not least, the maintenance and sustenance of consumption are also discussed plus the important concept of production (Levy, p. 3). Put into account that two major concepts have aroused and changed in the latter part of the twentieth century and those are which made an impact on the procedures of the packaging chain. These two concepts are IPP or Integrated Product Policy and the EPR or Extended Producer Responsibility. The two concepts are explicitly and implicitly operationally defined in the book discussing its significance and impact on Packaging (Levy, p. 2). The concep t of packaging, the policy, and the environment had very much evolved in the latter part of the years, 1980 and 1900 according to records in the United States of America. We will write a custom essay sample on Primary Concern in Packaging Policy and the Environment by Levy or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Moreover, several chapters in this book, Packaging Policy and the Environment purport to share vital information about packaging when it tackles the issue of such environmental policies on several countries like Australia, South Africa, Brazil, and Japan (Levy, p. 4). Although the book was able to present what several countries may say on the packaging issue and its impact in the environment of every society, it was still shown that the topic packaging has only taken a small amount of attention from consumers, media, and the entire population all over the world. Therefore, it only goes to show that packaging policies and the environment is not in every priority list of every government of countries across the globe.

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